We made a trip to Walla Walla last week-end to pick up our new pigs. They are a rare bread that comes from England. We were really lucky because the breeder was in Texas and she had another person that was from Walla Walla that was already coming to get 4 other pigs. He was nice enough to get ours too.
The funny thing about it was I was talking to the wife of the guy that picked up the pigs about growing up in Walla Walla. It turned out that her grandparents were our neighbors growing up and her mom was my second grade teacher. Small world when you grow-up in a small town. We are hoping to have a small brood of piglets some time in the spring.
HEy-Marcus is from Walla Walla too! it is a small world!
You are turning into quite the farmer family! Do you still have the chickens and goats?
I found your blog off of someone elses! I'm glad I did. I just love how you have chickens and pigs! That is so fun for me. Some day Lance and I will have a fun little home like yours!
-Amber Malmberg
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