Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cow story Part 3...I know your getting tired of this but...

my friend Kelly had a few questions. The cows belong to our neighbor that lives just north of us. Craig just made sure the cows were back by the barn and left hoping they would stay back there. The only thing we found in the morning was a big ol' cow pie on my porch and a bunch of hoof prints in one of my flower beds. They did a little damage to my roses but nothing serious.

The ironic part of the whole thing was about this time last year this very same neighbor was not very happy with us when he found out we had sheep. The reason being that last a year and a half ago at the Puyallup fair 2 maybe 3 cows died because of a disease that cows get from sheep, it was a rare case and it was a very sad loss for those kids that owned those cows. Our neighbor wanted our landlord to sign a piece of paper that if any of our sheep got out he could take action to remove the sheep from his property. It was a few heated weeks but it all finally passed and we are on good terms with our neighbors now.



He may be eating humble pie now ;)


We were wondering if we could take care of his cow(s) since they were on our property. Since they were gone we've not had a chance to tell them yet. Really we're just glad it all passed and that we are on good terms with them.


I think there were 19 cows that died. My sister lost 6 at that fair.


Wow Jayme I had never heard that total! I just knew that your family had lost some.