Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ewwww Gross

*Warning don't read this if you are eating....

A few Saturday evenings ago we were clean-up the house and as I was barking orders to the kids to help get the family room cleaned up I though it would be helpful to clean under the cushions to see what money or other treasures I might find.

Now this is a pretty old couch that we've had for about 15 years. I have already recovered it once and had planning on doing it again but it sinks pretty bad and I decided it was not worth it.

I did find many things but no money, I think Kaden got it all. But I did discovered why the couch is sinking.

There were two large holes in the couch where a large wire had broken that supported the springs. When I looked in to hole I also found all kinds of junk. I think I may have solved the mystery of missing socks too, cause there had to have been like 10 socks in there. I found batteries, paper, and kinds of stuff. I few of the things I couldn't reach so Jensen helped me to tip the couch forward. This created another adventure in finding things. As Jensen ran his hand along the bottom back edge of the couch he hear crunching. We decided to find out what it could be. I got out my handy screwdriver a proceeded to pop out the staples that keep the fabric on the couch, this is what I found.

The funnies thing that I found was our plane tickets from our trip to Hawaii. I was cleaning the couch on March 13th and we went to Hawaii on March 14th 2000. How I wished at that moment I was in Hawaii and not cleaning out my gross couch.

So if you want to find and missing socks or other things you haven't seen in 10 years clean your couch or you could even tear it apart like did.